Preventive Cardiology
Chelation therapy is an intravenous therapy performed in a outpatient clinic to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, scleroderma, and other age-related problems. Chelation therapy increases blood flow, opening blocked arteries throughout the body. EDTA is administered by slow intravenous infusion, as shown in the picture at the right. Intravenous edta chelation therapy, a simple office procedure using ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), reverses and slows progression of atherosclerotic heart disease, hardening of the arteries, and other age-related and degenerative diseases. Symptoms affecting many different parts of the body often improve, for reasons that are not yet fully understood. Blood flow increases in blocked coronary arteries to the heart, to the brain, to the legs, and all throughout the body. Heart attacks, strokes, leg pain and gangrene can often be helped or avoided using this therapy. Need for bypass surgery and balloon angioplasty often disappears after chelation. Published research also shows that chelation therapy acts as a preventive against cancer. The free radical theory of disease (caused by oxygen free radicals) provides one scientific explanation for the many observed benefits following chelation therapy. Many scientific studies published in peer reviewed medical journals provide solid clinical evidence for benefit. This non-invasive therapy is very much safer and far less expensive than surgery or angioplasty. Chelation therapy is a safe and effective alternative to bypass surgery, angioplasty and stents. Hardening of the arteries need not lead to coronary bypass surgery, heart attack, amputation, stroke, or senility. There is new hope for victims of these and other related diseases. Despite what you may have heard from other sources, EDTA chelation therapy, administered by a properly trained practitioner, in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, prudent diet, and nutritional supplements, is an option to be seriously considered by persons suffering from coronary artery disease, cerebral vascular disease, brain disorders resulting from circulatory disturbances, generalized hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis, also called arteriosclerosis) and related ailments which can lead to stroke, heart attack, senility, gangrene, and accelerated physical decline. Clinical benefits from chelation therapy vary with the total number of treatments received and with severity of the condition being treated. On average, 85 percent of chelation patients have improved very significantly. More than 90 percent of patients receiving 30 or more chelation infusions have benefited enough to be grateful for this therapy—even more so when they also followed a healthy lifestyle, avoiding the use of tobacco. Symptoms improve, blood flow to diseased organs increases, need for medication often decreases and, most importantly, the quality of life becomes more productive and enjoyable. When patients first hear about or consider EDTA chelation therapy, they normally have lots of questions. Undoubtedly you do, too. Here are the answers to those most commonly asked questions, explained in non-technical language. WHAT IS "CHELATION"? Chelation (pronounced KEY-LAY-SHUN) is the process by which a metal or mineral (such as calcium, lead, cadmium, iron, arsenic, aluminum, etc.) is bonded to another substance―in this case EDTA, an amino acid. It is a natural process, basic to life itself. Chelation is one mechanism by which such common substances as aspirin, antibiotics, vitamins, minerals and trace elements work in the body. Hemoglobin, the red pigment in blood which carries oxygen, is a chelate of iron. WHAT IS CHELATION AS A MEDICAL THERAPY? Chelation is a treatment by which a small amino acid called ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (commonly abbreviated EDTA) is slowly administered to a patient intravenously over several hours, prescribed by and under the supervision of a licensed health care practitioner. The IV fluid containing EDTA is infused through a small needle placed in the vein of a patient’s arm. The EDTA infusion bonds with unbalanced metals in the body and quickly redistributes them in a healthy way, or carries them away in the urine. Abnormally situated nutritional metals, such as iron, along with toxic elements such as lead, mercury and aluminum are easily removed by EDTA chelation therapy. Normally present minerals and trace elements which are essential for health are more tightly bound within the body and can be maintained with a properly balanced nutritional supplement. IS IT DONE JUST ONCE? On the contrary, chelation therapy usually consists of anywhere from 20 to 50 separate infusions, depending on each patient’s individual health status. Thirty treatments is the average number required for optimum benefit in patients with symptoms of arterial blockage. Some patients eventually receive more than 100 chelation therapy infusions over several years. Other healthier patients receive only 20 infusions as part of a preventive program. Each chelation treatment takes three hours or longer and patients cannot receive more than one treatment each day. It is the total number of treatments that determine results, not the schedule or frequency. Some patients receive treatments daily and others come weekly or at at variable intervals as convenience and their schedule dictates. Over a period of time, these injections halt the progress of the free radical disease. Free radicals underlie the development of atherosclerosis and many other degenerative diseases of aging. Reduction of damaging free radicals it believed to allow diseased arteries to heal, restoring blood flow. With time chelation therapy brings profound improvement to many essential metabolic and physiologic functions in the body. The body’s regulation of calcium and cholesterol is restored by normalizing the internal chemistry of cells. Chelation has many favorable actions on the body. Chelation therapy benefits the flow of blood through every vessel in the body, from the largest to the tiniest capillaries and arterioles, most of which are far too small for surgical treatment or are deep within the brain where they cannot be safely reached by surgery. In many patients, the smaller blood vessels are the most severely diseased, especially in the presence of diabetes. The benefits of chelation occur simultaneously from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, not just in short segments of a few large arteries which can be bypassed by surgical treatment. DO I HAVE TO GO TO A HOSPITAL TO BE CHELATED? No, chelation therapy is an out-patient treatment available in a physician’s office or clinic. DOES IT HURT? WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE TO BE CHELATED? Being "chelated" is quite a different experience from other medical treatments. There is no pain, and in most cases, very little discomfort. Patients are seated in reclining chairs and can read, nap, watch TV, do needlework, or chat with other patients while the fluid containing the EDTA flows into their veins. If necessary, patients can walk around. They can visit the restroom, eat and drink as they desire, or make telephone calls, being careful not to dislodge the needle attached to the intravenous infusion they carry with them. Some patients even run their businesses by telephone or computer while receiving chelation therapy. |
ARE THERE RISKS OR UNPLEASANT SIDE EFFECTS? EDTA chelation therapy is relatively non-toxic and risk-free, especially when compared with other treatments. Patients routinely drive themselves home after chelation treatment with no difficulty. The risk of significant side effects, when properly administered, is less than 1 in 10,000 patients treated. By comparison, the overall death rate as a direct result of bypass surgery is approximately 3 out of every 100 patients, varying with the hospital and the operating team. The incidence of other serious complications following surgery is much higher, approaching 25%, including heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, mental impairment, infection, and prolonged pain. Chelation therapy is at least 300 times safer than bypass surgery. Occasionally, patients may suffer minor discomfort at the site where the needle enters the vein. Some temporarily experience mild nausea, dizziness, or headache as an immediate aftermath of treatment, but in the vast majority of cases, these minor symptoms are easily relieved. When properly administered by a trained health care practitioner expert in this type of therapy, chelation is safer than many other prescription medicines. Statistically speaking, the treatment itself is safer than the drive in an automobile to the doctors office. If EDTA chelation therapy is given too rapidly or in too large a dose it may cause harmful side effects, just as an overdose of any other medicine can be dangerous. Reports of serious and even rare fatal complications many years ago stemmed from excessive doses of EDTA, administered too rapidly and without proper laboratory monitoring. If you choose a provider with proper training and experience, who is an expert in the use of EDTA, the risk of chelation therapy will be kept to a very low level. While it has been stated by critics that EDTA chelation therapy is damaging to the kidneys, the newest research (consisting of kidney function tests done on hundreds of consecutive chelation patients, before and after treatment with EDTA for chronic degenerative diseases) indicates the reverse is true. There is, on the average, significant improvement in kidney function following chelation therapy. An occasional patient may be unduly sensitive, however, and practitioners expert in chelation monitor kidney function with laboratory testing to avoid overloading the kidneys. Chelation treatments must be given more slowly and less frequently if kidney function is not normal. Patients with some types of severe kidney problems should not receive EDTA chelation therapy. WHAT TYPES OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTING MUST BE DONE PRIOR TO BEGINNING CHELATION THERAPY? Prior to commencing a course of chelation therapy a complete medical history is obtained. Diet is analyzed for nutritional adequacy and balance. Copies of pertinent medical records and summaries of hospital admissions may be sent for. A thorough head-to-toe, hands-on physical examination will be performed. A complete list of current medications will be recorded, including the time and strength of each dose. Special note will be made of any allergies. Blood and urine specimens will be obtained in a battery of tests to insure that no conditions exist which should be treated differently or might be worsened by chelation therapy. Kidney function will be carefully assessed. An electrocardiogram is usually obtained. Noninvasive tests will be performed, as medically indicated, to determine the status of arterial blood flow prior to therapy. A consultation with other medical specialists may be requested. IS CHELATION THERAPY NEW? EDTA was first introduced into medicine in the United States in 1948 as a treatment for industrial workers suffering from lead poisoning in a battery factory. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Navy advocated chelation therapy for sailors who had absorbed lead while painting government ships and dock facilities. In the years since, chelation therapy has remained the undisputed treatment-of-choice for lead poisoning, even in children with toxic accumulations of lead in their bodies as a result of eating leaded paint from toys, cribs or walls. In the early 1950’s it was speculated that EDTA chelation therapy might help the accumulations of calcium associated with hardening of the arteries. Experiments were performed and victims of atherosclerosis experienced health improvements following chelation—diminished angina, better memory, sight, hearing and increased vigor. A number of practitioners then began to routinely treat individuals suffering from occlusive vascular conditions with chelation therapy. Consistent improvements were reported for most patients. Published articles describing successful treatment of atherosclerosis with EDTA chelation therapy first appeared in medical journals in 1955. Dozens of favorable articles have been published since then. No unsuccessful results have ever been reported (with the exception of several recent studies with very flawed data deceptively presented by bypass surgeons, in a seeming attempt to discredit this competing therapy). There have also been a number of editorial comments of a critical nature made by physicians with vested interests in vascular surgery and related procedures. From 1964 on, despite continued documentation of its benefits and the development of safer treatment methods, the use of chelation for the treatment of arterial disease has been the subject of controversy. IS IT LEGAL? Absolutely. There is no legal prohibition against a licensed medical doctor using chelation therapy for whatever conditions he or she deems it to be in the best interests of their patients, even though the drug involved, EDTA, does not yet have atherosclerosis listed as an indication on the FDA-approved package insert. Contrary to popular belief, the FDA does not regulate the practice of medicine, but merely approves marketing, labeling and advertising claims for drugs and devices sold in interstate commerce. It costs many millions of dollars to perform the required research and to provide the FDA with documentation for a new drug claim, or even to add a new use to marketing brochures of a long established medicine like EDTA. Physicians routinely prescribe medicines for conditions not included on FDA approved advertising and marketing literature. The American College for Advancement in Medicine [ACAM]International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology [IBCMT]and many other institutions conducts educational courses in the proper and safe use of intravenous EDTA chelation twice yearly. They also publish a Protocol which contains professionally recognized standards of medical practice for chelation therapy.
Chelation therapy is gaining recognition so rapidly that there is growing interest in developing an oral chelator that will produce benefits similar to intravenous EDTA chelation therapy. Many nutritional substances administered by mouth are known to have chelating properties but none have the spectrum of activity of intravenous EDTA. Many nutrients such as vitamin C and the amino acids cysteine and aspartic acid have the ability to weakly chelate metals. A recently published article from the University of Zurich in Switzerland reported an 18-year follow-up of a group of 56 chelation therapy patients. When comparing the death rate from cancer with that of a control group of patients who did not receive chelation therapy, the authors found that patients who received EDTA chelation therapy had a 90% reduction of cancer deaths. Epidemiologists from the University of Zurich reviewed the data and found no fault with the reported facts or the conclusions. WHAT ELSE IS INVOLVED IN A COMPLETE PROGRAM OF CHELATION? Your lifestyle counts. Chelation therapy is only part of the curative process. Improved nutrition and healthy lifestyle are absolutely imperative for lasting benefit from chelation treatments. Chelation is not in and of itself a "cure-all"—it reduces abnormal free radical activity and removes unwanted and toxic metals, allowing normal healing and control mechanisms to come in to play. It has many actions in the body and we do not yet know what is the most important. Healing is facilitated, allowing health to be restored with the help of applied clinical nutrition, antioxidant supplementation and improved lifestyle. A full program of chelation therapy involves all of these factors. Chelation therapy is also compatible with other forms of therapy, including bypass surgery if all else fails. If cardiovascular drugs are needed, they can be taken with chelation with no conflict. NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS A scientifically balanced regimen of nutritional supplements reinforces the body’s antioxidant defenses and should include vitamins E, C, B1, B2 B3, B6, B12, PABA, beta carotene, and coenzyme Q10, and others. A balanced program of mineral and trace element supplementation should also include calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, vanadium, and chromium. IS CHELATION THERAPY FOR YOU? Only you can make that decision! Chances are, your doctor won’t help you decide. Patients who choose chelation therapy often do so against the advice of their personal physicians or cardiologists. Many have already been advised to undergo vascular surgery. Occasionally, a patient never hears about chelation therapy until he or she is hospitalized and a friend or relative begs him or her to look into this non-invasive therapy before proceeding to surgery. In an impressively large number of instances, a new patient comes for chelation on the recommendation of someone who has been successfully chelated. Many patients have benefited even after one or more failed bypasses. You are encouraged to communicate with someone who’s shared your dilemma, someone who can tell you about his or her own experience with chelation therapy. Feel free to contact others with problems similar to yours who have chosen chelation therapy. Most patients who have been helped will be happy to give you their side of the story. |
Ozone Therapy
What is Ozone Therapy?
ozone therapy was discovered in Germany well over one hundred years ago but did not come in common use till recently. It is now becoming more popular in various parts of the world. Ozone therapy is not given through nose like oxygen. Exact measured dose of ozone gas are administered through rectum as an enema, vagina, ear drums, mixed in blood or saline infusion . Ozone gas and ozonated oils are also applied over effected parts and ulcers for quick healing..Each treatment takes only a few minutes. These sessions are given two or three times weekly for total of about 15 to 20 sittings. It may be continued thereafter if needed specially in chronic diseases.
Scientific studies have proven that Ozone,if properly introduced into the body in repeated applications inactivates viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and carcinomas in diseased cells.
How Does Ozone Therapy Work?
Ozone therapy has been in use for many years by thousands of West German doctors who claim, in hundreds of scientific and clinical studies, that they are able to inactivate AIDS and other viruses and cancer through ozone therapy. They explain that diseased cells have a lowered enzyme levels in their cell wall or ‘lipid envelope'. Looking at a diseased cell electrochemically, the first thing that differentiates it from normal cells is that the protein coating that surrounds it is contoured distinctly. The disease that has invaded the cell is parasitical, drawing off the cellular electricity or ‘life force' of its host. This creates ‘cell stress' and under these conditions, the cell can only manufacture a substandard protein coating for itself. When ozone is introduced into the blood in correct, stable concentration it is immediately converted into hydroxyperoxides and other beneficial free radical scavengers.
Ozone Is Safe and Non-Toxic.
Medical ozone (the correct term is triatomic oxygen, but for simplicity we will call it medical ozone) is completely safe and non-toxic to humans when administered responsibly with precise technology. It is extremely important that the proper ozone generator be used to generate the ozone. One must ensure that the ozone is clean, pure, and free of contaminants. This is only possible if the ozone only touches a glass electrode (never metal or ceramic) while inside the ozone generator, and only possible if the tubing and fittings inside the electrode are 100% ozone resistant. If the ozone touches metal, plastic, rubber, or other materials that can be oxidized by the ozone, the by products of the breakdown of these materials will travel with the ozone, and contaminate the ozone.
It is not meant to be breathed directly, although small amounts in the air, in fact, a sterilizing technique. When introduced into the blood through rectal/vaginal insufflation or major autohemotherapy it has been shown to be completely safe even when a dosage many times greater than the proposed human dosage is administered.
Here are extracts from the extensive studies proving the non-toxicity of medical ozone:
a)An animal model treated with medical ozone in a manner analogous to the proposed human treatment regime at the Long Island College of Pharmacy revealed no toxicity at concentrations up to ten times the dose proposed in man.
b)Research studies: "Effects of long-term exposure to low levels of ozone: a review." C.W. Melton (Aviation, Space & Environmental) "Ozone: An overview of its toxicity in man and animals." D. Menzel (Toxicol & Environ Health 1984) "Toxicity of Ozone." S. Mittler. M. King. B. Burkhardt (AMA Arch Ind. 1957)
Ozone's Bad Press.
There is a somewhat negative connotation regarding ozone in uninformed sections of the public consciousness in the USA (its healing properties have been known in Europe for decades). The one-liner you may have read in the press: "Ozone is toxic" is based on the fact that ozone is highly oxidative and in the presence of any pollutants it immediately starts to oxidize them.
Ozone has been likened to some foreign element floating around covering the globe, or as a poison in smog. Actually, ozone is a natural product that, by surrounding the planet, makes our lives possible, by filtering out burning rays. Smog is created by chemical pollutants reacting as the ozone tries to oxidize them. The problem is the pollutants, not the ozone. As the joke goes, air pollution is an auto immune disease!
These hydroxyperoxides actually seek out and destroy diseased cells, where the cell wall is damaged and therefore easily penetrable, and they enhance the health of normal cells. Ozone's byproducts have this selectivity because they are the attractive opposites of diseased cells. Cells infected with a virus have a weakened vitality that shows up as lowered levels of enzyme activity. A free radical hydroxyperoxide sees the diseased cell's low enzyme ‘flag' and attacks it…
These diseased cells with lowered enzyme levels are incomplete and are therefore seeking to balance themselves by interacting with the free radical hydroxyperoxides, which by themselves are also unstable. Both seeking balance, they join together in their eventual mutual destruction and elimination, benefiting the patient.
The Selectivity of Ozone Treatment Towards Infected Cells.
- O3/O2 mixture interacts with blood and immediately forms hydroxyperoxides.
- Hydroxyperoxides have no effect on healthy cells, except the rejuvenation effect of super-oxygenating their environment and enhancing circulation.
- Hydroxyperoxides invade diseased cells through their broken cell wall, exposing and destroying disease.
More About Viruses.
"In each reproducing cell in our bodies there are two substances: RNA and DNA – the ‘helix' form discovered by Crick and Watson. They contain the genetic blueprint for the cell, and the whole body. Viruses are not cells, they are either RNA or DNA genetic material - but not both - surrounded by a coat of protein. Since they have only half of the genetic material, they cannot reproduce on their own. They multiply by attaching themselves to the inner RNA or DNA of normal cells, taking it over and forcing the cell to make more of the virus. Picture slave labor. They wait there and emerge when our defenses are down! Outside of their host cell they are basically inert so it is clear that they are ‘hiding out' in the cells, and must be uncovered within the cell to be destroyed before they manifest their destructive potential. This is where the amazing property of ozone to invade diseased cells, uncovering and destroying the disease or virus, is so effective."
"Normal healthy cells are not lacking vitality, and do not react with the free radical agents. They have strong, balanced enzymes that, in a sense, make them ‘invisible'. They are complete and not receptive to reacting.
The obvious beauty of this is that the by-products of the ozone process ‘target' diseased cells. Repeated treatments are necessary because viruses seem to be more susceptible at different stages of their growth, and as an ozone reaction winds down, a new one must be introduced to react with any viruses left over from the previous treatment…"
(Adapted from Oxygen Therapies: A New Way of Approaching Disease by Ed McCabe)
Results From Ozone Therapy: O3 and Candida and Epstein-Barr
We mention these conditions together because they are both chronic, apparently incurable or difficult to cure complaints that have recently been implicated in the widespread ‘unexplained ailments' that affect millions of Americans with fatigue, depression and a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Systemic candida has been widely touted as being present in epidemic proportions. Ozone's fungicidal properties make it the ideal treatment for candida, both local and systemic. Epstein-Barr virus has been blamed for the mysterious ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' affecting thousands of Americans. It is considered medically incurable but there are already scientific studies and anecdotal reports that it can be successfully treated by a lengthy course of ozone therapy.
In a short-term "Study of the variation under ozone treatment of 16 patients presenting a T4/T8 lower than 1.2", three of the patients had Epstein-Barr, and after ozone treatment showed an average 33.3% improvement during the brief experimental
O3 in Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
Recent studies by Russian and French doctors have shown extremely dramatic results in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease with ozone therapy. One reason is that it has been found that a cause of Alzheimer's is aluminum toxicity in the brain, and ozonating of the blood has been shown to precipitate the aluminum. Also, of course, its abilities as a circulatory enhancer and cell rejuvenator come into play. In a similar vein, German doctors have also had success with Parkinson's, MS and other nervous system disorders.
O3 in Wound Healing and Burns The virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal properties of O3 make it the treatment of choice for wound healing. Excellent results are obtained, for example, with gangrene:
"Gangrene usually required a one-hour session each day, with ozone being put in the blood, and into a gas bag (topical application). Out of a total of 33 patients scheduled for surgical amputation, only 1 (with other problems) actually had to have an amputation." *
The use of O3 tents in Burn Units is so effective in immediately halting infection and promoting healing that it is difficult to understand why this practice has not yet been applied in the US considering its widespread successful use
O3 in Arthritis.
"Arthritis was usually treated every other day, and within 3 days there was significant reduction of pain, and by the end of the patient's stay, deformed joints were reduced as a matter of course." * In The Use of Ozone in Medicine, West German doctors Rilling and Viebahn describe the specific protocol used successfully in arthritis, referring to the numerous papers on the subject by Dr. H. Wolff.
O3 and AIDS - Headlines announcing New England Journal of Medicine study by Dr. Kenneth Wagner. Released Oct. 27, 1988.
AIDS is a virus, and ozone has been proven in countless studies to be virucidal (as well as fungicidal, bactericidal, etc.). There has been a great deal of research suggesting that O3 is effective in the eradication of the AIDS virus, both in vitro (in a test tube) and in vivo (more significantly, in people!) Anglo-American Research has to date conducted three scientific human studies, under strict scientific protocol, involving patients with AIDS, with excellent results.
O3 in Rejuvenation and Cosmetic Therapy.
O3 has also been injected directly into warts, tumors, cysts, moles, etc. whether malignant or benign-but-ugly, and is reported to cause them to dissolve in a matter of days.
The general effect of superoxygenating the body is a rejuvenating one for obvious reasons. The increase in energy levels after O3 treatments is directly experienced by most people and can be measured in before/after stamina tests with an exercise bike, or before/after mental acuity tests.
O3 and Herpes.
There are a number of scientific studies and papers documenting excellent results in the treatment of Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster with ozone therapy. It is reported that when an attack is in progress, treatments on a daily basis for 7 – 10 days usually cause complete disappearance of symptoms. If treatments are taken for 4 to 6 weeks on a daily basis, whether the symptoms are present or not, the viruses can be eradicated from the patient's system.
Ozone and Cancer.
Over 30 % of our population is afflicted with cancer and the percentage is increasing, in spite of the $billions being spent on cancer treatment and research. Unfortunately, remedies to treat the symptoms of cancer have been sought while the causes of cancer have been virtually ignored up until now.
What is most disturbing, is that the cause of cancer was discovered back in 1923 by a German biochemist, Dr. Otto Warburg, who received the 1931 Nobel Prize for doing so. In his book, "The Metabolism of Tumors" (London: Constable and Company. 1930), Dr. Warburg demonstrated that the primary cause of cancer was the replacement of oxygen in the respiratory chemistry of normal cells by the fermentation of sugar. The growth of cancer cells is a fermentation process, which can be initiated, only in the relative absence of oxygen, which means that a cancer cell is a plant cell.
Ever since Warburg's discovery, researchers have been attempting to stop the fermentation process through drugs, radiation and surgery, which, in some cases, has been temporarily successful. Although the National Cancer Institute verified Warburg's theories in the 1950s, very little work has been done to determine the causes of a lack of oxygen to the human body. Along with finding ways to stop the fermentation process, we must also determine ways of getting more oxygen to all our healthy cells to prevent the initiation of the fermentation process.
All normal cells (animal cells) within our bodies need oxygen to survive, and give off carbon dioxide as a waste product. If we upset this delicate balance within our bodies, nature's way of reacting is the growth of plant cells (cancer, fungi, candida, etc.)
When one considers the monumental increase of carbon dioxide (over 20%) in the atmosphere during the past several decades and the alarming decrease of oxygen content in the air we breathe (from 38% down to 19%) one can understand the seemingly inexorable rise of cancer among us.
The good news is that 50 years of practice in Europe and numerous test studies utilizing oxygen/ozone therapy have proven that by increasing the oxygen content within our bodies, we will displace more carbon dioxide. We then become much healthier and do not provide an anaerobic (lack of oxygen) atmosphere for the fermentation process to produce cancer cells. I n addition to the encouraging success rate that these studies demonstrate, it must be noted that not one fatality or adverse side effect has been attributed to the proper administration of oxygen/ozone therapy.
It is unfortunate that up until now the medical authorities have been painfully slow in their investigation of the beneficial uses of ozone. However, the sixth World Ozone Conference held in Washington, DC during May 1983, procured many astounding papers on the medical and therapeutic uses of ozone. They ran the full gamut of topics from Cancer to Herpes to Rheumatoid Arthritis, written by world-recognized specialists in their fields. These papers concluded that:
- OZONE removes unwanted bacteria and viruses from the blood, the same way it does with water.
- The possibility of becoming infected with hepatitis, AIDS virus, syphilis or other infectious disease through blood transfusions could be eliminated by the use of OZONE.
- OZONE is highly effective in peripheral vascular disease so that persons suffering from gangrene, or leg ulcers, may not have to have their limbs amputated.
- OZONE is effective in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, arteriosclerosis in general, and hypercholesterolemia, and promptly restores circulation, relieves angina pain, and improves brain circulation and function.
- With OZONE, cancerous Tumors, Lymphomas and Leukemia may be eliminated without the use of surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.
- OZONE is highly effective for all forms of Rheumatoid and Arthritis Collagen disease.
- OZONE is very effective for Allergies of all types.
- OZONE improves Multiple Sclerosis, and other Neurological Diseases, ameliorates the loss of brain function in Alzheimer's Disease and senility, as well as in Parkinson's Disease, by reversing the aging process. 9.External use of OZONE is very effective in treating ACNE, burns, leg ulcers, open sores and wounds, Eczema, fungus and other skin disorders.
- Rectal insufflation with OZONE if effective for Proctitis, Colitis, Prostatitis, anal fissure, Candidiasis; vaginal insufflation is effective for Cadidiasis and other yeast infections, Trichamoniasis and other forms of vaginitis; bladder insufflation is effective for Cystitis and bladder fistulas, as well as cancer.
- AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis Mononucleosis, and cirrhosis of the liver have been successfully treated with OZONE, without the use of any drugs or medicines.
- The application of OZONE is virtually painless, has no adverse side effects and is extremely cost-effective for both physicians and patients.
- As of 1985, over fifteen countries had allowed the use of OZONE therapy, and of all the thousands of patients successfully treated, there has not been one single death or serious reaction reported clearly related to the use of OZONE.
Prp Therapy
What is a Stem cell?
Stem cell is the mother cell of each individual, having the properties of multiplying themselves. It can replace the
Damaged cells by reproducing new cells.
How Stem Cell Peel rejuvenates skin ?
As we age, or expose more to skin damaging factors, the epidermal stem cells slows in division, dermal collagen
and elastin fail to keep their integrity, and the glands and fat tissues shrink, resulting in blemishes and wrinkles.
When the dead epidermal cells are declining in their power to shed off naturally, it will lead to more wrinkles and
pigmentation naturally.The stem cell peel is a biphasic peel, made from Green apples, the fruits which have more
and longer living stem cells. The stem cells from green apples are extracted and cultured in lab to increase their
power and potential of regeneration.This Green Apple Stem Cell peel can reach the lower layer also .

Stem Cell Peel Treatment reduces wrinkles, increases stiffness of the skin, enhances skin texture and tone.
It also removes the dark circles around the eyes. It can boost up the strength of muscles, bones and veins in the skin making your skin appear more Vibrant, Revitalized, Regenerated. Eventually it helps in Reversing the Aging process causing total skin rejuvenation.
It heals from within, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin and in the dermal matrix to smooth away
Wrinkles and lines, and improve acne.
Cases That Can Be Treated with Stem Cell Peel
- Pigmented and Tanned Skin
- Lines, Wrinkles and Sagging of Skin
- Reduces Freckles and Stretch Marks
- Certain Types of Acne and Acne Scars
- Scars
- Gives Freshness and Glow to Skin by removing The dead cells and pigmented cells from the upper layer of the skin.
- Improves skin hydration and nutrition by producing more blood vessels.
- Increases skin colour and evens its tone.
- Helps the skin to fight against the external stimulants by increasing the anti oxidants and new healthy cells.
- It helps to clear the wrinkles and lines from the skin by Stimulating the production of collagen, elastin and GAGs
- In the dermal matrix For one to get an optimum effect, 6-7 peels are recommended, 15-20days apart.
Platelet Rich Plasma THERAPY
Platelets flow in our blood and spring into action when a blood vessel ruptures. Platelets form clots to prevent bleeding. However, they have another vital role.
Platelets contain growth factors that are released when they encounter injured cells. These growth factors cause cells to multiply and form new tissue, thereby healing the injury. Platelets represent about 1% of our blood, which is a sufficient concentration for many areas where injuries can occur and where healing is needed. However, our joints and the musculoskeletal system have a rather restricted blood flow and thus only a minimal supply of platelets. The result is that injuries in such under supplied areas don’t heal fast enough – if at all – leading to further damage and degeneration.
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a medical procedure using concentrated platelets. To obtain such concentrated platelets, blood is drawn from your arm and spun in a centrifuge. This process separates the plasma, which contains platelets, from the red blood cells. The platelets are then photo-activated and re-injected into the body. The platelets receive messages from the damaged cells and start releasing a multitude of growth factors, commencing repair and regeneration of damaged tissue.
How PRP Works
Platelets in the blood are an integral part of forming clots, which stop bleeding. However they have another vital role in healing. They contain chemicals called growth factors, which have been shown to cause cells to multiply and form new tissue.
PRP contains a much higher concentration of platelets than normal blood. This means that Higher concentrations of growth factors are being released into the injured area, which accelerates and enhances healing.
When compared to cortisone injections, PRP shows better results over a longer period of time. While the effects of cortisone are rapid, they are often followed by a decline in condition. PRP, however, shows slower but greater long term improvements and less injury recurrence.
What Can Be Treated With PRP
- Osteoarthritis.
- Degenerative knee conditions.
- Muscle tears.
- Ligament and tendon injuries (including tennis or golfer’s elbow).
- Bursitis.
It does not give an instant result but the effects last longer than Botox or fillers. There is minimal risk of allergic reactions or harm as PRP is made from your own blood. PRP does not work by reducing muscle movement therefore involves no risk of paralysis.
PRP will become apparent after one to two weeks. Cosmetic PRP can also be used for improving hair growth.
Ozone steam sauna
Introducing First Time in Twin Cities OZONE STEAM SAUNA
Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine knew a thing or two about the art of healing when he made the statement: “GIVE ME THE POWER TO CREATE A FEVER AND I SHALL CURE ANY DISEASE’’. Today the heat sauna achieves just what Hippocrates was trying to achieve all those years ago
Why sauna?
The water that we drink, the air that we breathe, and the food that we eat all contain toxins and pollutants that flood our bodies daily. Using the ozone steam sauna is a natural way to detoxify and cleanse the body. It also has a very relaxing and calming effect because of its ability to oxidize excess adrenaline. The application of ozone therapy is painless, and has no adverse side effects as well as being extremely effective.
How Ozone Sauna Therapy Works
Ozone in controlled concentrations is introduced into the sauna together with hot steam. The pores are opened due to the heat which raises the body temperature, which allows the ozone to enter the body through the skin. The ozone can penetrate fully into all the tissue, the blood, the lymph and the fat. Toxins are then released through the open pores via sweating, while ozone kills germs and bacteria on the skin.
The benefits of ozone steam sauna
Improves blood circulation-Oxidizes and detoxifies toxins-promotes lymph drainage-Relaxes and loosen muscles Helps minimize cellulite-Promotes younger looking skin-helps in diseases-Boosts your metabolism Calms and relaxes- improves sleep and stress Healthier than a regular sauna Promotes decongestion, detoxification and weight loss- increases immune function by up to 58% improves white blood cell function- oxidizes toxins, poisons, chemicals and pathogens- kills and removes viruses, yeasts and bacteria- Relieves muscular aches and pains improves internal organ function and metabolism resulting in 400-600ncalorie loss-increases muscle flexibility and speeds up injury repair-improves brain function- Skin becomes smooth and reduces blemishes- Anti-body and interferon production is increased with powerful anti-viral and anti-cancer properties- Assists with colds, flu, stress, hypertension, tumours, sinus, constipation, anxiety, depression, Aches and pains angina, cancer, lack of energy, fatigue, stress, tension, gout, arthritis, fibromyalgia,. Digestive disorders, psoriasis and eczema etc.
The latest research shows that steam hyperthermia is an effective treatment for the following:
- Detoxification programs - Stress and muscle tension.
- Immune system deficiencies - Increasing body metabolism.
- Pain management - Eliminating toxins.
- Cancer - Improves Blood circulation.
- During EVOLUTION 50%
- 200 YEARS AGO 38%
- 1945 ESTIMATED 22%
Prolozone therapy
Prolozone therapy for joint pains, spinal pains and muscles sprains.
Prolozone therapy is an excellent therapy for osteoarthritis, although it is still considered by mainstream medicine to be experimental or alternative. The basic mechanism of prolozone therapy is simple. A natural medication is injected into the affected tendons, ligaments, or joint spaces, which leads to local inflammation. Cartilage growth factors are released in the joint space, such as transforming growth factor, with subsequent strengthening of the joint structure. Usually ozone is injected into the joint spaces, into affected muscles and ligaments.
"Myers’ Cocktail" IV nutritional Therapy
"An IV Vitamin Therapy that promotes healing and replenishes energy".
What is the Myers’ cocktail?
Myers' Cocktail, an intravenous vitamin nutrient supplement, was formulated more than 40 years ago by John Myers, MD, a Baltimore physician. This potent solution contains a specially balanced combination of vitamin and minerals. It is given intravenously to help the treatment of a range of ailments and increase energy.
Why give nutrients intravenously?
Intravenous nutrients can achieve serum concentrations not obtainable with other routes of administration. Various nutrients have been shown to exert pharmacological effects, which can only be achieved with IV administration. For example, an antiviral effect of vitamin C has been demonstrated at a level achievable only with IV administration.
The power of magnesium: Magnesium is a key ingredient in the Myer's cocktail and promotes relaxation of both blood vessels and skeletal muscle and reduces muscle spasm. In addition to having direct pharmacological effects, IV nutrient therapy is more effective for correcting intracellular nutrient deficits because some nutrients are present at much higher concentrations in the cells than in the serum and the high blood levels achieved with IV drive the nutrients into the cell. For example, the average magnesium concentration in heart cells is 10 times higher than the concentration outside the cells.
Intravenous treatments are more effective than oral therapy for increasing blood levels of nutrients. According to some experts, intravenous delivery may improve the transport nutrients from the blood into the cells
Conditions that may be improve with Myers’ Cocktail
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with or without Epstein-Barr virus.
- Chronic depression.
- Acute or chronic muscle spasm.
- Fibromyalgia.
- Migraine headaches- often within minutes.
- Tension headaches.
- Narcotic withdrawal.
- Seasonal allergic rhinitis.
- Respiratory problems.
- Acute of chronic asthma.
- Sinusitis.
- Bronchitis.
- Cardiovascular disease.
- Ischemic vascular disease.
- Congestive heart failure.
- Athletes who need quick recovery for athletic events.
- Acute viral illness/colds.
- Acute infections.
What is the duration of Treatment?
Patients vary in the number of treatments needed, but most require infusions 1 to 2 times per week. Some patients experience improvement after only one treatment, and many report significant healing by the fourth infusion. People who have chronic conditions may need ongoing treatment of several IV’s per week, or periodically every few weeks to regain their energy.
Ozone lipolysis
Aesthetic Ozone Therapy:
Ozone treatments are used in Aesthetic Medicine, due to the gas’ incredible properties to induce cellular and antioxidant activation, as a powerful germicide, and as agent capable of reactivating the production of collagen / elastin and as an inductor of lipolysis.
Ozone is of great value for both aesthetics and anti-aging, having hundreds of scientific studies verified and published, since Ozone Therapy for Aesthetics is widely performed throughout Europe and Argentina, with very few innovators in other parts of world.
Uses of Ozone In Aesthetic Medicine Measure Reduction and Lypolisis:
Treatment through small punctures where O3 is applied in small amounts and percentages in the subcutaneous fat of areas such as abdomen, waist, hips, arms, chin. This generates local lipolysis and increased circulation. Coupled with systemic Ozone applications such as Rectal Insufflations or Major/Minor Ozone therapy, ozone also boosts the general circulatory, immune and antioxidant systems; it also acts as a metabolic regulator helping in the control of blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid. Treatments are once weekly average 5-10 sessions.
Cellulite: the term cellulite or oedematous adiposis (also know as orange peel skin) describes a set of conditions defined by edema and lipid deposition in the subcutaneos fat, most prominent in areas such as: buttocks, thighs, abdomen and arms. This condition has a multifactorial origin but has a common feature in the low oxygen content of such areas, since the edema and the lipid deposition interfere with adequate oxygen supply. Thus, Ozone Therapy has a profound and long lasting effect in modifying this low oxygen condition, providing excellent aesthetic results. Depending on the severity of the case, 10-20 weekly treatments are performed which include: ozone sauna, major autohemotherapy, and local infiltration of the affected areas.
Facial or Corporal Sagging: The loss of firmness in the skin due to aging, an event greatly driven by oxidizing agents, can be reversed to a certain extent by the power of ozone as an Antioxidant system enhancer and promoter. This process causes the sagging to stop and forces the cells to return to their normal line of collagen and elastin. Therapies are performed weekly and include systemic ozone therapies (major/minor autohemotherapy or rectal insufflations) and local infiltration.
Circulatory: The dysfunction of the microcirculation is the key point in different pathologies in aesthetic medicine such as: baldness, cellulite, and deep or superficial venous insufficiency (varicose veins) for which the remarkable effects of ozone as a circulatory enhancer helps to improve both superficial deep circulation. Therapies are performed weekly and include systemic ozone therapies (major/minor autohemotherapy or rectal insufflations) and local infiltration.
Acne: Because acne is a chronic bacterial inflammation of the pilosebaceous unit, the germicidal power of Ozone plus the super oxygenation that ozone provides are options that treat this condition in a shorter term than standard pharmacotherapy and without the deleterious side effects. Treatment consists of systemic ozone therapy, ozonated olive oil and sometimes topical insufflation of ozone plus very superficial peels weekly.